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Roger verbrachte 1 Jahr im Gefängnis,weil

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12 Jahre 5 Monate her - 12 Jahre 5 Monate her #7928 von Nachtschatten
Hallo Liebe Mitmenschen,

Hier soll ein Mann, in Kamerun, 3 Jahre lang eine Haftstrafe verbüßen, weil er seine Liebe zu einem Mann in einer sms zum Ausdruck gebracht hat. Ein Jahr ist schon vorbei nun, wird über die letzten 2 Verhandelt. Er soll noch 2 weitere Jahre in das Gefängnis.
In Kamerun ist alles außer eine Mann/Frau verboten und krank. Vielleicht wollt Ihr das unterzeichnen.
Dieser Aufruf ist von einer Internet Plattform sie macht Petitionen gegen die Ausgrenzung, Diskriminierung und Kriminalisierung von Homo - Bisexuellen Menschen.

Wie der avaaz Verteiler, nur nicht so allgemein.
Vielleicht ein mal im Monat, bekomme ich über den Verteiler ein Hilferuf, wie diesen:

Roger just spent a year in prision for sending an SMS to another man.
Unless we act before Monday, he could go back for 2 more years.
Tell President Biya to free Roger and end Cameroon's laws against homosexuality.
Roger Jean-Claude Mbédé just spent a year prison in Cameroon for sending this SMS to another man:
I'm very much in love w/u.

Roger has a new hearing on Monday, but he's facing two more years in a jail where he faced daily abuse from guards and horrific health conditions.

Homosexuality is still illegal in Cameroon, but President Paul Biya and the Minister of Justice could put a stop to this right now by freeing Roger and
declaring a moratorium on this discrimanatory law. President Biya has been swayed in the past by international pressure and knows that Cameroon's
reputation is at stake.

We have just a few days to raise a massive outcry and keep Roger from going back to jail. Will you sign the petition now calling on President Biya and the Minister of Justice to free Roger and end Cameroon's anti-gay laws?


This problem is bigger than just Roger. Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people in Cameroon major are facing a major crackdown right now – more than 20 people have been arrested in the last year because they're suspected of "homosexual behavior."

Even Roger's own family have turned their backs on him in disgust, leaving him fighting for his freedom alone. He told us, "Now, my family says I'm dangerous and they can not live with a homosexual. Cameroonians know who I am now. I don't know how I will even be able to go back to school and get a job."

We can't let homophobia and prejudice decide Roger's fate. The law's not with him, his family’s not with him. If 50,000 of us speak out before Monday, Cameroon's President and Minister of Justice will know they need to
act. Will you sign the petition and call on them to free Roger and end Cameroon's anti-gay laws?


Thanks for going All Out.

Andre, Aviya, Guillaume, Hayley, Jeremy, Joe, Leandro, Marisa, Mike, Pablo,
Sara, Tile, Wesley, and the rest of the All Out team

P.S. – After you sign, please share Roger's story with your friends by forwarding this email or on Facebook. Right now, with so many eyes on
Roger's case, each additional voice can make a huge difference. All Out is bringing people together in every corner of the planet and of every identity - lesbian,
gay, straight, bisexual, transgender and all that’s between and beyond - to build a world in which everyone can live freely and be embraced for who they are.

Our mailing address is:
Purpose Foundation 224 Centr St New York,NY, 10013
Copyright © 2012 AllOut.org, All rights reserved.
You can unsubscribe from this mailing list at any time.

Letzte Änderung: 12 Jahre 5 Monate her von Nachtschatten.

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12 Jahre 5 Monate her - 12 Jahre 5 Monate her #8038 von Nachtschatten
In der Ukraine wird gerade mal wieder versucht, ein Gesetz durchzubringen um Homosexualität zu Kriminalisieren!
Wer dieses verhindern möchte, kann schnell eine e-mail an den Ukrainischen Präsidenten mailen.
(Link dazu: siehe weiter unten):

Über den "All Out" Equaliti- Everywhere Verteiler kam folgende mail:

Yesterday a few members of Parliament in Ukraine rushed an anti-gay bill through its first hearing – overnight so no one would have the time to say anything. These anti-gay MPs are trying to make it illegal for anyone to say or do anything deemed "too gay" in Ukraine.

But this 'gay gag rule' can’t go into effect if the chairman of the Ukrainian Parliament, Volodymyr Lytvyn, refuses to sign it.
A few weeks ago he already raised concern on the bill because of an international outcry.
And he has the power to stop it for good.

The homophobic MPs are fast-tracking the process and hoping we can't ignite the same global outcry that stopped the bill the first time.
Let's show them how wrong they are!
Will you sign now and push Lytvyn to keep thousands of Ukrainians from being forced into the shadows?


Back in July, more than 122,000 All Out members around the globe got the Ukrainian Parliament to take the "homosexual propaganda" law off their voting agenda. The chairman of Parliament, Volodymyr Lytvyn, decided to stop the bill in its tracks to make sure it complied with, "all human rights and freedoms".

But a few MPs brought it back quietly enough to avoid the international uproar it triggered a few months ago. They think we won't have enough time to trigger the same outcry. They are wrong. Call on Volodymyr Lytvyn, Chairman of the Ukrainian Parliament, to use its power to stop this horrendous anti-gay bill now:

This terrible law makes it a crime for anybody to read, write, blog about, or declare any kind of support for gay rights in Ukraine. It also makes it almost impossible to continue health prevention work fighting diseases like HIV.


Thanks for going All Out.

Andre, Guillaume, Joe, Leandro, Sara and the rest of the team at All Out.

P.S. Don't forget to share the campaign with your friends so it goes viral. We need to get the word out ASAP: www.allout.org/ukraine_gag

All Out is bringing people together in every corner of the planet and of every identity - lesbian, gay, straight, bisexual, transgender and all that’s between and beyond - to build a world in which everyone can live freely and be embraced for who they are.

Our mailing address is:
Purpose Foundation
224 Centre St
New York, NY 10013

Copyright © 2012 AllOut.org, All rights reserved.

Letzte Änderung: 12 Jahre 5 Monate her von Nachtschatten.

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