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Homo Verfolgung/Hetze in Russland + Olympische Spiele

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11 Jahre 5 Monate her - 11 Jahre 4 Monate her #9587 von Nachtschatten
In diesen weltweiten Kampagnen Verteiler, geht es um die Rechte von Homo,- Trans,- Bisexuelle u.s.w. Es geht immer darum, das ein Fall vorliegt der gegen die Menschenrechte geht.

Die letzte Kampagne ging um ein Staat in Africa/ Cameroon, in dem die Homosexuellen u.s.w., hingerichtet werden sollten.
Mit weltweiten Protestmail, konnten eine Hinrichtung, eines Mannes verhindert werden. Wobei die Inhaftierung und Verfolgung von Menschen, die nicht Heterosexuell sind, weiter geht. Und zu legale Ermordung, von einen homosexuellen Mann, durch die Polizei geführt hat.

In der nun folgenden Kampagne jetzt, geht es jetzt, um das neue "Homo Gesetz" was ein Freifahrtschein zur homo Hetzte/Verfolgung in Russland, zur Folge hat.
Jetzt hat sich Rußland,um die Olypischen Winterspiele 2014 beworben.
Nun wird auf die Olympischen Spiele Komitee Druck ausgeübt, damit sie auf die russische Regierung einwirken.
Denn in einem Land, das die Olympischen Spiele ausrichtet, dürfen keine öffentlichen Treibjagden auf Homosexuell statt finden (wie dieses gerade in Russland, täglich der Fall ist).

Nun hat sich das olympische Komitee geäußert, das sie kein Problem sieht (!), das ist aber leider völlig unmöglich, weil in Punkt 6 der Olympischen Charta, genau das Gegenteil steht.
Soweit ganz kurz übersetzt.

Jetzt folgt der Petitionsaufruf, der leider nur auf Englisch ist, falls ich was verkehrt übersetzt habe, bitte ich um Korrektur:

The Olympic Committee just said they don't think Russia is violating the Olympic Charter –even though Russians are facing anti-gay arrests, violent attacks, and exclusion.

Olympic host nations are supposed to obey seven principles and Principle 6 says discrimination of any kind is not allowed.

But, the Olympic Committee is now acting like lesbian, gay, bi and trans people just don’t count.

Equality doesn't work like that, so their position needs to be clear.

Can you take two minutes to send a quick email to the new Olympic Committee president Thomas Bach and ask him if lesbian, gay, bi and trans people are protected by Principle 6?

Click to get started:

Principle 6 says: "Any form of discrimination with regard to a country or a person on grounds of race, religion, politics, gender or otherwise is incompatible with belonging to the Olympic Movement."

If the Olympic Committee gives Russia a pass on discrimination against millions of its own people, it will shield President Putin from the mounting global pressure to repeal the damaging law.

It also makes it easy for him to ignore the brutal wave of anti-gay violence in Russia. That's why we need them on the record right now.

The Olympic Committee is accountable to us – the spectators, athletes, and customers of their billion-dollar sponsors. If thousands of us email new Olympic president Thomas Bach now, we can put him on notice. If he won't answer our question, millions of us could even take the fight to the corporate sponsors, forcing them to step in.

Send an email directly to the Olympic Committee through All Out's website:

Together, we gathered in 33 cities across the world to put Russia’s anti-gay crackdown in major global newspapers –and led to the British Prime Minister raising the issue personally with Russian President Putin at one of the most important meetings of world leaders this year.

Right now, President Putin is being protected by the Olympic Committee because they seem to think lesbian, gay, bi and trans people don’t count – can you join in and demand answers from them now?

Dazu ein Artikel von der Washingtonpost :
"IOC: No grounds to challenge Russian anti-gay law as Sochi Olympic Games approach":

Thanks for going All Out.

Andre, Hayley, Jeremy, Marie, Sabelo, Sara, Simón, Wesley and the rest of the All Out team.

P.S.:Cameroon update:

Over 65,000 All Out members have signed a petition asking the President of Cameroon to accept new United Nations recommendations to protect all people in his country, no matter who they are or who they love.

We're sending him every signature telling him stop the murder, arrest and severe discrimination faced by lesbian, gay, bi and trans people - but it's not too late to join in today.
Sign now: www.allout.org/cameroon-attacks

Letzte Änderung: 11 Jahre 4 Monate her von Nachtschatten.

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11 Jahre 4 Monate her - 11 Jahre 4 Monate her #9655 von Nachtschatten
"all out" in diesen weltweiten Kampagnen Verteiler, geht es um die Rechte von Homo,- Trans,- Bisexuelle u.s.w.
Es geht immer darum, das ein Fall vorliegt, der gegen die Menschenrechte geht.
Hier kam jetzt ein berührendes Video, zu der Kampagne, die ich einen Kommentar vorher vorgestellt hatte.

Love Always Wins!?
What if living your dream meant living a lie?

Russia is in the midst of a violent crackdown against lesbian, gay, bi and trans people –fueled by laws that make it a crime to be open about who you are and who you love.

The countdown is on for Russia's winter Olympics and, very soon, all eyes will be on them.
But behind the spectacle that President Putin wants the world to see, there are thousands of people hiding and living in fear.

The Olympic games are our best chance to end to Russia's outrageous anti-gay laws – but to do it, it's going to take lots more of us to hear about what's happening in Russia.

Watch this beautiful 2-minute video, and please share it with your family and friends:

Thank you for going All Out.

Andre, Guillaume, Jeremy, Leandro Tile, and the rest of the All Out team.

P.S. More than 375,000 All Out members have taken action on Russia, and it's working!
With this powerful video, we could double or triple the number of people who're joining in our campaign to end Russia's anti-gay laws, with less than 100 days to go to the Olympics.

Please watch and share this video: www.allout.org/LoveAlwaysWins

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Letzte Änderung: 11 Jahre 4 Monate her von Nachtschatten.

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